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Research and Documentation centre

egta ensures that our members have somewhere to turn to when a question springs to mind or when information on the European market is urgently needed. The team encourages members to have the egta reflex and to call them as often as needed.


Over its 40 years as an established association, egta has collected a wealth of information and knowledge along the way. For this reason, it is now considered to be the reference centre on audiovisual advertising for sales houses.


We keep up-to-date with market trends by nurturing strong links with the national and European bodies that specialise in gathering statistics and other data and by subscribing to relevant media services.


Access to up-to-date information on European markets and to a network of experts means that members can turn to egta with any queries related to TV or Radio advertising. Requests are made on any topic that interests the members – from the ratings of a specific programme, the legislation in place for a category of products, to the pros and the cons of software used by various companies, and so on – the list is endless!

If we do not have the information at our fingertips, someone in the egta network will, and we will make sure to find out for you.

Certain requests from members often require that we carry out extensive surveys among our members so that an international overview of issues tackled by sales houses can be ascertained. In the past, surveys have been carried out on various topics, such as the following: sales house structures across Europe, advertiser-funded programming initiatives in various sales houses, B2B strategies (sales house direct-to-advertiser promotions), etc. An executive summary and results of each survey are available to participating egta members.



egta is the place to turn to whenever a question related to the television/video or radio/audio advertising springs to mind. As a trade association, egta strives to help with the questions that cannot easily be answered through members’ own internal resources, but rather require the input from a network of sales houses and experts. Members are encouraged to develop the “egta reflex” and contact the team each time they have a question concerning their business. In so doing, they can benchmark themselves against other similar companies in Europe (and beyond) and feed answers and learnings directly into their strategies and decision-making. egta draws on both its own internal sources of information and on the extensive network of several hundred experts from sales houses but also the wider industry to deliver ac­curate data with quick response rates.


The answers to members’ questions may be found in existing databases or by drawing on work carried out on a similar topic in the past. If not, egta conducts surveys either amongst the whole of its membership or, when appropriate, in smaller subsets of members.

Please note that the results of surveys conducted by egta are published on egta's website and made available to all members who contributed to the poll.




As the reference centre for sales houses, egta has been well positioned to set up a variety of databases based on the needs of our members. Our highly-regarded TV database contains a list of over 500 technical and marketing factors that influence the price of TV advertising across as many as 30 European markets. On the radio side, the RadioFocus platform is composed of two parts: a public section that offers an overview of the radio landscape in a given country, whilst the section dedicated to members offers compelling data to convince clients to increase investments in radio, using targeted research by egta members and industry partners.


                                                                    > Click here to access the TV database        > Click here to access the Radio database




egta regularly publishes practical guidebooks and reports targeted at the issues our members face on a daily basis. Regardless of the topic, these publications are always designed primarily as a resource for egta members.


If you have any questions about this service, please contact Ugne Matrisciano or Anders or Anders Rune (TV) and Ania Lara (Radio).


About us

The reference centre for audiovisual advertising sales houses


egta is the Brussels-based trade association of television and radio sales houses that market the advertising space of both public and private broadcasters across Europe and beyond.

Contact us


Rue Washington 34 / boîte 2
1050 Brussels (Belgium)
Tel.: + 32 2 290 31 31
