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TF1 Pub - TF1

Type: TV & Radio

Country: France

Address: 1, quai du Point du Jour - 92656 Boulogne Cedex

Phone: +33 1 41 41 48 45


Stakeholders: Bouygues

Status of the company: Owned by the channel

Type of company: Private

Number of employees: 300

Contact details

CEO of the sales house/Head of Sales dpt

Name: François PELLISSIER

Title: President TF1 PUB & Sports Director TF1 Group

Contact person

Name: Vincent Gambette

Reference person

General Director: Sylvia Tassan Toffola

Head of Sales: Myriam Levy

Head of Marketing: Laurent Bliaut

Head of Research: Antoine Audit

Head of Communication / PR: Sophie Danis

Head of European Affairs / Head of Legal: Christelle Bonnin

Head of Pricing / Revenue Optimisation: Emmanuel Guyot

Head of Digital: Olivier Lebeau

Head of Special Special Formats: Thomas Becouarn

Market data

Ownership/status of the TV channels/radio stations commercialised by the sales house: Private
Type of TV channels commercialised by the sales house: Free-to-air


Names of TV channels commercialised by the sales house: TF1, TMC, TFX, TF1 Séries Films, LCI, Ushuaia TV, TV Breizh, Histoire TV,
Names of radio stations commercialised by the sales house:
Les Indés radios: Swigg, Evasion, Tropiques FM, Latina, Lovely, Générations Hip Hop Soul Radio, Africa Radio,
Radio Orient, Urban Hit, Voltage, Sud Radio, Radio M, MBS
Régie radio Océan Indien: NRJ Réunion, Rire et Chansons Réunion, Chérie FM Réunion, RTL Réunion, EXO FM, RER, NRJ Mayotte, Caribou FM, RMJ, EXO FM Mayotte
R2GP: NRJ Guyane, Chérie Guyane, Métis FM, Radio Péyi
Other media commercialised by the sales house:
Publishers’ websites (eg. broadcasters / media groups, individual channels, others):, LCI, Studio 71,,
Video streaming services (VOD, catch-up): MyTF1
Audio (music streaming services / online radio / podcasts, etc.): Les Indés Digital,
Other: TFOU, Bouygues Télécom


Audience share of the channels commercialised by your sales house
Total (linear TV): 26.8%
Source: Médiamat-Médiamétrie. Global 2020, PdA 4+ (TF1 + TMC + TFX + TF1 SF + LCI)
Total (radio): 13%
Source: 126 000 Médiamétrie, Vague Nov-Dec 2020, PdA 13+


Sales house’s market share:

Total (TV): +/- 47%
Source: IREP 2019
Total (radio): NA
Source: NA


About us

The reference centre for audiovisual advertising sales houses


egta is the Brussels-based trade association of television and radio sales houses that market the advertising space of both public and private broadcasters across Europe and beyond.

Contact us


Rue Washington 34 / boîte 2
1050 Brussels (Belgium)
Tel.: + 32 2 290 31 31
