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Radio France Publicité

Type: Radio

Country: France

Address: Maison de Radio France 116 Avenue du Président Kennedy - F-75220 Paris

Phone: +33 1 56 40 27 27


Stakeholders: Radio France – Public broadcaster

Status of the company: Owned by the channel

Type of company: Public

Number of employees: 35

Contact details

CEO of the sales house/Head of Sales dpt

Name: Pascal GIRODIAS

Title: Director

Contact person

Market data

Ownership/status of the radio stations commercialised by the sales house: Public
Names of radio stations commercialised by the sales house: France Inter, franceinfo, France Bleu (Podcasts : France Inter, franceinfo, France Bleu, France Culture, France Musique, Fip, Mouv’)
Other media commercialised by the sales house:
Publishers’ websites (eg. broadcasters / media groups, individual channels, others): Websites and app (France Inter, Radio France, Ici France Bleu)
Video streaming services (VOD, catch-up): videos on websites, apps, AVOD & social plateform (Youtube/ Dailymotion/Facebook)
Audio (music streaming services / online radio / podcasts, etc.): podcasts, live radio
Other: Studio, special ops

Audience share of the channels commercialised by your sales house

Total (radio): 24.4%
Source: Médiamétrie EAR National, Janvier-Mars 2023,Lundi-Vendredi,Ensemble 13 Ans et +,05H00-24H00
Sales house’s market share:
Total (radio): 2.8%
Source: Kantar Média – Total Radio : 5 523 M€ 2022 (gross) 


About us

The reference centre for audiovisual advertising sales houses


egta is the Brussels-based trade association of television and radio sales houses that market the advertising space of both public and private broadcasters across Europe and beyond.

Contact us


Rue Washington 34 / boîte 2
1050 Brussels (Belgium)
Tel.: + 32 2 290 31 31
