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RMS DE - Radio Marketing Service DE

Type: Radio

Country: Germany

Address: Moorfuhrtweg 17 - 22301 Hamburg

Phone: + 49 40 23 890 0


Stakeholders: 20 shareholders are regional radio stations

Status of the company: Independent

Type of company: Private

Number of employees: 168

Contact details

CEO of the sales house/Head of Sales dpt

Name: Marianne BULLWINKEL

Title: Chief Executive Officer

Contact person

Name: Doreen Schneider, Anke Becker

Reference person

Head of Sales: Cord Hollender (General Manager Sales)

Head of Marketing: Hendrik Flügge

Head of Research: Philipp Schulte

Head of Communication / PR: Kirsten Schade

Head of European Affairs / Head of Legal: Desireé Groth

Head of Pricing / Revenue Optimisation: Linda Mozham

Head of Digital: Frank Bachér

Head of Special Special Formats: Stefan Witt

Market data

 Ownership/status of the radio stations commercialised by the sales house: Private
Names of radio stations commercialised by the sales house: JAM FM NATIONAL, RTL RADIO, R.SH Radio Schleswig-Holstein, RADIO BOB! rockt Schleswig-Holstein, delta radio, Radio Hamburg, HAMBURG ZWEI, Antenne Niedersachsen, RADIO 21, radio NRW, FUNK KOMBI WEST, Lokalfunk Kombi Westfalen, Rheinland Kombi Köln, Radio Köln Plus, HIT RADIO FFH, planet radio,, RADIO BOB!, RPR1, bigFM HOT MUSIC RADIO, Rockland City Kombi, bigFM Saarland, Radio-Kombi Baden-Württemberg, Radio 7, Radio Regenbogen kompakt, ANTENNE BAYERN, BAYERN FUNKPAKET, Rock Antenne, 94,3 rs2, Berliner Rundfunk 91.4, 98.8 KISS FM, 100,6 FluxFM, STAR FM 87.9, 104.6 RTL, 105‘5 Spreeradio, JAM FM Berlin, Radio TEDDY, BB RADIO, ANTENNE MV, radio SAW, ROCKLAND, 89.0 RTL, Radio Brocken, RADIO PSR, ENERGY Sachsen, ANTENNE THÜRINGEN, radio TOP 40, LandesWelle Thüringen
Other media commercialised by the sales house:
Publishers’ websites (eg. broadcasters / media groups, individual channels, others): no disclosures
Audio (music streaming services / online radio / podcasts, etc.): Online audio, podcast
Audience share of the channels commercialised by your sales house
Total (radio): 44%
Source: Audienceshare: ma 2020 Audio I, continuing time of listening
Sales house’s market share:
Total (radio): 69,1
Source: Marketshare in % based on their respective Federal State, broadcast advertising, Mo-So, German speaking people 14 years and older. Advertisingshare: gross cost, Nielsen Media Research 1-12/2019, Marketshare in % compared to Radio Spendings Total


About us

The reference centre for audiovisual advertising sales houses


egta is the Brussels-based trade association of television and radio sales houses that market the advertising space of both public and private broadcasters across Europe and beyond.

Contact us


Rue Washington 34 / boîte 2
1050 Brussels (Belgium)
Tel.: + 32 2 290 31 31
