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Bauer Media Finland

Type: Radio

Country: Finland

Address: Ilmalankatu 2 C P.O. Box 123 00240 HELSINKI

Phone: +358 9 8848 8757


Stakeholders: Privately owned

Status of the company: Independent

Type of company: Private

Number of employees: 50

Contact details

CEO of the sales house/Head of Sales dpt

Name: Sami Tenkanen

Title: CEO

Contact person

Reference person

Head of Sales: Erkka Jaakkola

Head of Marketing: Ismo Heikkilä

Head of Research: Irmeli Ekholm

Head of Digital: Sini Kervinen

Head of Special Special Formats: Elina Backman

Market data

Ownership/status of the radio stations commercialised by the sales house: Private
Names of radio stations commercialised by the sales house: Radio Nova, Iskelmä, Radiocity, Kiss, Suomirock, NRJ, Radio Nostalgia, Kasari, Ysäri, Radio Pooki, Radio 957, Radio Pori, Auran Aallot, Radio Mikkelli, Radio Classic
Other media commercialised by the sales house:
Publishers’ websites (eg. broadcasters / media groups, individual channels, others):
Audio (music streaming services / online radio / podcasts, etc.): Radio Play

Audience share of the channels commercialised by your sales house
Total (radio): 22,8 %
Share of Listening (public & commercial) (CSoL = 44,1)
Source: KRT: FY 2019, 9+


Sales house’s market share:
Total (radio): XXX
Source: XXX


About us

The reference centre for audiovisual advertising sales houses


egta is the Brussels-based trade association of television and radio sales houses that market the advertising space of both public and private broadcasters across Europe and beyond.

Contact us


Rue Washington 34 / boîte 2
1050 Brussels (Belgium)
Tel.: + 32 2 290 31 31
