General information
Sector: Electronics
Media: Linear TV, online, social media
Time period: 2015 to present
Case description
Together with producer ITV Studios Netherlands, Media Content House, and partners Canon, Kamera Express and Profotonet, Ad Alliance created one of the most natural sponsorship fits in and around a programme, Het Perfecte Plaatje (The Perfect Picture). The show has been running on a yearly basis since 2015, in a very successful way, with a very large – and growing – fan base. The match for Canon is simply perfect!
Het Perfecte Plaatje wants to inspire viewers to start photographing, to encourage them to the world differently and to show that photography is has very diverse facets and is accessible to everyone. It is a format with the perfect balance between entertainment, inspiration and professional expertise, which is reflected in the heart of the content.
The in-programme sponsorship and product placement are present in every way possible, yet remain so naturally integrated that it does not disturb or create a negative experience amongst viewers due to the strong connection between the programme and the product. All the different campaign components communicate very clearly with each other and have a funnel effect, with great results. Canon even released a special “pack” that would be purchased in stores with a full starter kit, or an advanced kit, for those who want to get equipped with Canon products. It’s every season a great success.
This campaign was achieved through a collaboration between Ad Alliance, ITV Studios Netherlands, Media Content House, and partners Canon, Kamera Express and Profotonet.
Campaign results
The perfect sponsor fit is confirmed with fantastic results. 51% of the Dutch are regular viewers of Het Perfecte Plaatje. Viewers appreciate the programme with a score far above benchmark and is prompted to start photographing. The incredibly good match has not gone unnoticed and even contributes to a more positive image of Canon and the increased purchase intention leads to an increase in the sales results.