The European Affairs Group (EAG) is a network of legal experts who gather to discuss the regulatory issues of the moment and define the association’s lobbying priorities and policy objectives.
Topics discussed in this meeting
DSA – Digital Services Act
- State of play
- Focus on targeted advertising and dark patterns
DMA – Digital Markets Act
- Outline of the adopted measures
- Enforcement and application to broadcasters
European Media Freedom Act
- Update of the current state of play
- Audience measurement: expected measures and stakeholders’ views
Political Advertising proposal
- Update on ongoing discussions
- Presentation and exchange on the egta position
Consumer Affairs/sectoral restrictions
- HFSS national restrictions
- UCPD revision: new proposal empowering consumers for the green transition
- Consumer Credit Directive
- Cryptocurrency advertising legislation
Data Legislation
- Data Act
- ePrivacy
AVMS Directive
- State of play on the transposition and implementation
Depreciation of third-party cookies, IAB TCF and EDAA
Update on the TCF and egta’s work on the phase out of third-party cookies
Note: Materials from the conference are accessible for egta members only. Should you require any assistance, please contact our team.