AI-Powered Simplicity: How Radio Gong’s RadioADMaker is Transforming Audio Advertising


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RadioADMaker is a platform created by the German radio station Radio Gong. This platform enables anyone to create, produce, and book an audio spot within 3 minutes. It is a response to the perception clients often have that radio campaigns are difficult to create and buy. Radio Gong’s plan was to make audio as easy to buy as ads on Meta or Google.

The result of their effort is RadioADMaker, a tool through which clients can easily configure their radio spot using AI. It was first released in March 2023 and combines all processes of creating an ad and booking it in one platform.

To start, the client selects a region or a city using a simple map tool, followed by a radio station. Based on this, the platform estimates the reach of the campaign. The next step is typing in keywords for the campaign that the spot should revolve around. There is no need to write up a script for the spot, as the AI generates five versions of a script. Once the client selects one of the scripts, the spot can then be further customized with different male and female voices, tones of voice, and music. Once the spot is created, the client then indicates their budget and the length of the campaign (max. 60 days). The reach of the campaign is adjusted based on this data. The advertiser can simultaneously book the broadcasting as a pre-stream spot (start of the stream) or as an in-stream spot (within an advertising block). The payment for the spot is done via PayPal. The platform is, however, still managed by humans. At the end of this process, the sales team checks and approves all registered spots. Bookings made on weekdays until 2 p.m. can be broadcast the next day.

The solution is currently available for digital audio, given that the main target is small local advertisers. As the quality of synthetic voices improves every day, the platform is expected to expand to FM campaigns. There are already 20 stations in Germany and Austria using RadioADMaker or the white label version of the platform. You can find more information on the platform here:

I’m deeply convinced that platforms like RadioADMaker will become the new standard of advertising in radio. It’s a fantastic opportunity, especially for local stations, to regain revenue from local and regional companies that spend their marketing money on social media because RadioADMaker makes booking radio ads much easier and cheaper than ever before.

Johannes Ott

Chief Executive Officer, RadioADMaker