General information
Country: Spain
Company: Atres Media
Sector: Beverages, beer
Time Period: 31 of December 2023, a one-shot action with a great halo effect.
Media: TV, social media
Campaign objectives: The aim of the campaign was to create a compelling story to promote the new Netflix fiction Berlin around the peak moment of the year, New Year’s Eve countdown. The client’s needs and KPIs included: raising awareness, enhancing brand image, and ensuring differentiation.
The concept of the campaign was unique and innovative because it was the first time that a live event, something that happens in the show — a jewellery heist — was solved during the ad break. This created an engaging and memorable experience for viewers.
Creative Minds
The campaign was made special and successful by the significant reaction it gained on social networks. The production team was deeply involved in both creating the content and measuring its efficiency. This collaboration ensured that the campaign resonated well with the audience.
The development and delivery of the campaign was a collaborative effort between the advertiser (agency) and the broadcaster, demonstrating effective teamwork.
Campaign video(s)
The campaign was widely regarded as the most innovative of the year, achieving outstanding results.
The campaign’s results exceeded the initial targets and objectives, capturing the attention of the total population. A particularly surprising and unexpected outcome was the social media reaction to the staged jewellery theft, which went viral.
The client was extremely satisfied with the campaign’s outcomes.
The main takeaway from the campaign is that to stand out, it is essential to implement disruptive and bold strategies.