Background information
The aim of the campaign is to introduce the versatility and functions of the historic and iconic ”Canta Tu Karaoke” by the toy brand Giochi Preziosi. ‘’Canta Tu’’, also in its special edition “Canta Tu Maradona Edition” is a complete high-quality audio video system, which animates parties with family and friends, outdoors or indoors.
The campaign was developed on different media and different Rai Pubblicità’s radio stations.

Description of the campaign
This Cross-media campaign aired on radio, social, digital, and on-field tools between May and July 2023. It was sold in the form of a dedicated package for each individual radio station.
The campaign was entirely developed by Rai Pubblicità with different Radio broadcasters through different formats. In general, the radio campaign included 30” quotes, programs sponsorship billboards and a 30” radio spot. In particular, ad hoc formats have been developed for each broadcaster:
*Radio Italia: Audience activation at Radio Italia Live concerts (Milan and Palermo) through a Live Promo moment. The promo was launched by the presenters on stage, a live karaoke video with “Canta Tu” was projected on the concert displays, inviting everyone to sing a song by singer Gigi D’Alessio. An ad hoc video was edited. Push ads were shared on Radio Italia’s Instagram channels and client’s logo have been published on Radio Italia’s website.
*Radio Kiss Kiss: On-field activation in the city of Naples with Karaoke ”Canta Tu Maradona Edition”. Radio Kiss Kiss presenters engaged people in the streets of Naples, inviting them to sing with the Karaoke Canta Tu. In terms of social media, 10 videos were edited, out of which 3 were published in collaboration with and sponsored by both Instagram profiles of Radio Kiss Kiss and Giochi Preziosi.
*Radio Rai: Audience activation at the TIM Summer Hits concerts (Rome and Rimini) through a live promo moment. The promo was launched by the presenters on stage, a live karaoke video with “Canta Tu” was projected on the concert displays, inviting everyone to sing a song by singer Gigi D’Alessio.
The on-the-field activation at concerts in Milan, Palermo, Rome, and Rimini, and on the streets of Naples have generated excellent results in terms of audience engagement with Karaoke Canta Tu, highlighting both the product’s ease of use and its ability to create a festive mood on any occasion.
Platforms involved
The platforms involved in this campaign were radio, social media (Instagram), digital (Radio Italia website), and radio presenters (field activation).
The campaign turned out to be a valuable case both for the brand and the sale house that, starting from the radio, managed to cross over to digital, social, and on-field. It was a winning project that combined the creative component with the strength of three different and complementary broadcasters, who customized their communication in coherence with their audiences and the territories covered.