Bckground information
In this week’s egtabite, we go to the Netherlands, where the Nationaal Media Onderzoek (NMO), representing the interests of the Dutch Media Industry, has appointed Ipsos and Kantar to build a new integrated total media audience measurement solution to measure viewing, listening and reading audience consumption across the Netherlands as of 2021.
The cross-media measurement solution is the world’s first truly integrated audience measurement programme. In combining audience viewing, listening, browsing and reading through a single, integrated system, it will deliver deeper insights to understand Dutch audiences and enable richer trading currencies for each media. The new approach will enable advertisers and agencies to optimise the performance of campaigns across media channels – both in isolation and when combined in a cross-media campaign.
The appointment of Kantar and Ipsos was announced on 31 March 2021, following a competitive tender process to collaborate and design a single integrated measurement system.
Joint industry committees, media owners and agencies join forces
Through NMO, the new total audience measurement solution is managed by three joint industry committees (JIC’s) and VINEX, which will operate jointly under the banner of Nationaal Media Onderzoek (NMO).
- NOM (Nationaal Onderzoek Multimedia): The publishing JIC responsible for the reporting and publication of the official Dutch readership currency for published media.
- NLO (Nationaal Luister Onderzoek): The radio JIC responsible for the reporting and publication of the official Dutch audio trading currency.
- SKO (Stichting KijkOnderzoek): The TV JIC responsible for the reporting and publication of the official Dutch TV and video trading currency.
- VINEX (Vereniging Internet Exploitanten): The internet media owner committee responsible for NOBO, the Dutch online reach study.
The four bodies are responsible for appointing and managing the research providers and for ensuring that the highest standards in audience measurement are maintained and upheld for all shareholders.
Over 100 media owners including broadcasters and publishers who distribute content across platforms and devices participate in the measurement. Their interests are represented by the industry bodies for magazines (MMA), newspapers (NDP Nieuwsmedia), radio (RAB), TV and Video (Screenforce) as well as the interests of internet publishers (VINEX) and public broadcasters (NPO).
17 media agencies, jointly representing 60% of advertising spend in the Netherlands, will also participate. Their interests are represented by the Platform Media Adviesbureaus (PMA), the official industry body for media agencies in the Netherlands. The Dutch Federation of Advertisers, bond van Adverteerders (bvA), represents the interests of advertisers. Agencies and advertisers not represented by PMA or bvA will also have access to NMO data.
One system to rule them all
The design of NMO is based on a single integrated measurement system to report all online media consumption and to fuel the TV, radio and reading media trading currencies. This single system is designed with a consumer-centric, rather than media-first, approach and will meet the highest standards for trading currencies, including design, data collection and processing. The total audience measurement system is designed to measure all media consumption of Dutch audiences – viewing, listening and reading – across all platforms, devices and environments. The design is flexible, enabling the measurement of new devices and technologies that may arise in the future.