Questions and topics
Information about add-skipping restrictions in different marketsFull list of questions
Questions included in the survey:
- Are there ad-skipping restrictions in place in your market?
- In your country, are there any legal or other restrictions in place to prevent fast-forwarding through commercial breaks during time-shifted or on-demand viewing of TV content? If so, how are these restrictions applied? E.g. Legislation that would prevent an operator from blocking “fast forward” OR restrictive solutions imposed by individual telco operators?
- If measures to prevent ad-skipping are in place, how is viewership of these ads tracked? (Data collection will differ depending on whether e.g. only fast-forwarding is disabled or if a solution with inserted ads is implemented)
- If no formal restrictions currently exist:
- Is there potential for introducing measures to prevent fast-forwarding of ads during time-shifted or on-demand viewing in your market?
- If so, who is the driving force (broadcaster or telcos?), and which measures are most likely to be implemented?
Access conditions
Surveys are only available to egta members who participated. If you are interested in a survey, but did not participate, just let us know and we will send you the empty questionnaire.