Survey on AI for TV companies and sales houses



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Questions and topics

How is AI impacting Total TV? What are the initiatives TV companies are launching using AI for spot creation, sales, marketing and more. How is the impact of AI perceived today?
Full list of questions

Do you have products or tools available that use AI to promote the following:

  • Planning, Targeting, Media Buying, Campaign Execution and Ad Formats
  • Audience Analysis and Engagement
  • Content Management and Optimisation
  • Media Delivery and Customer Support Enhancement
  • Other

Future plans and the role of AI

  • Are there plans to implement new AI tools in your ad sales operations in the near future?
    What is its application/s?
    What is the scheduled launch date?
    What is the primary strategic objective you aim to achieve (e.g. increase revenue, improve audience engagement, operational efficiency, etc)?
    What are the main challenges and concerns you anticipiate with the integration of those AI tools in your operations? (e.g Technical, cost, legal, training staff, etc.)?
  • What level of importance do you believe AI has in terms of future-proofing your business in the next 3-5 years?
  • In the next 3-5 years, how do you expect the implementation of AI will impact:
    The cost of content production?
    The price of advertising?
    Ad revenues for TV companies?
    TV sales house’ operational cost?
    Number of staff in your sales house?

Access conditions

Surveys are only available to egta members who participated. If you are interested in a survey, but did not participate, just let us know and we will send you the empty questionnaire.

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