Survey on live TV streaming consumption



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Questions and topics

Short questionnaire on the current status and projected growth of live-streamed TV viewing.
Full list of questions

Questions included in the survey:

  • In 2022, how much did live-streamed viewing increase/decrease overall (in %) compared to 2021?
  • In 2022, what was the overall split between linear and live-streamed viewing (in %).
  • During the Qatar World Cup 2022, how much of total live viewing was streamed (in %)? If you did not broadcast the Qatar World Cup, then please share an example from another big sporting event.
  • (If you have a crystal ball) In 2023, what will be the split between linear and live-streamed viewing overall? And in 2025?

Access conditions

Surveys are only available to egta members who participated. If you are interested in a survey, but did not participate, just let us know and we will send you the empty questionnaire.

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