Questions and topics
An updated version of a previous egta survey (2022) on commercial ad initiatives specifically developed to 'reward' advertisers who provide sustainable products/services.Full list of questions
Questions included in the survey:
Does your sales house provide specific commercial products or packages to advertisers with sustainable products/services/initiatives, or advertisers considered “green”?
- Yes, but only during a specific period (e.g. during a “Green day/week”) or for an event.
- Yes, they get access to special commercial conditions (discounts, special help to produce the spot, other…) If so, is it visible to TV viewers that the advertiser is part of a specific sustainability-promoting package?
- Yes, they get visibility in dedicated “green” advertising breaks (e.g. topical breaks or around specific programmes) – or the campaign is highlighted with a special frame or visual?
- Yes, ad hoc deals/partnerships.
What are the conditions to be recognised as a brand that can benefit from such special offers, e.g. accreditation or certificate by independent organisation on your market?
- What’s the name of the independent body that give a certificate/badge to brands for being sustainable? Do you work with them?
- Do you work with any other company calculating carbon footprint or similar? (name and what they calculate)
- Do you have any initatives in place at sales house level to prevent “green washing”?
Access conditions
Surveys are only available to egta members who participated. If you are interested in a survey, but did not participate, just let us know and we will send you the empty questionnaire.