Questions and topics
This request gather market-level data on average TV and online video campaigns to help benchmark what a total video campaign looks like in different countries.Full list of questions
Questions included in the survey:
Total video campaign budget distribution
- In your market, what is the average budget distribution between TV and online video ad spend in an average cross-media campaign?
Main commercial target group
- What is the main TV target group that is traded in your sales house?
- Is it the same as the main commercial target group used in your market?
- What main target group for online video is traded in your sales house?
- Is it the same as the main commercial target group used in your market?
- If you do not sell video inventory: what is the main reference target group for your market when selling video online?
Number of GRPs/impressions booked
- When booking an average TV campaign in your market, how many GRPs do clients book?
- If available, what is the average duration of such TV campaign in your market (in weeks)?
- In an average total video campaign, what is the average number of video impressions on the commercial target group booked per campaign in your market?
- If available, please also indicate the average duration of such video campaign.
Average reach
- In your market, what is the average reach for any given TV campaign for the amount of GRP mentioned in Q3?
- In your market, what is the average reach of any given online video campaign for the number of impressions mentioned in Q3?
Channels/platforms needed to reach the majority of its target
- To get the average reach indicated in question 4, how many TV channels will a client have to book in an average campaign (using the main commercial target group referenced in Q2)?
- If easily compliable, please add the name of the channels or sales house
- To get the average reach indicated in question 4, how many platforms will a client have to book in an average online video campaign (using the main commercial target group referenced in Q2)?
- If easily compliable, please add the names of these platforms. It is interesting to know if the main platforms in your country are part of the international online giants or if national broadcasters’ platforms are in the top video assets for advertisers.
- Please indicate the 5 biggest ad-supported video platforms in your country (BVOD/AVOD services, inc. YouTube and Facebook if relevant) – SVOD is less relevant in this context but if you wish to add a note about it you are welcome.
Advertising alongside nationally produced content
- Is the argument of nationally produced content a unique selling point for you? In certain markets, clients prefer to find their ads in a context of nationally produced content – not necessarily by the specific media group, but a programme that speaks to the citizen by being nationally produced and therefore more relevant.
- If yes, can you explain how much of your total inventory is made of nationally produced content? Is it in higher demand?
Advertising exposure
- Do you know how many TV advertising minutes a consumer sees on average per day in your market?
- Do you know the average advertising minutes (or number of online spots) a consumer is exposed on all platforms to on average in your market?
Access conditions
Surveys are only available to egta members who participated. If you are interested in a survey, but did not participate, just let us know and we will send you the empty questionnaire.