Questions and topics
This request gathers information on sell-out rates, the impact of seasonality and Covid-19, and strategies adopted to prevent nad/or deal with unsold inventory.Full list of questions
Questions included in the survey:
- What is the average (daily) sell-out rate of your advertising inventory on your channels? [Note: average sell-out rate = sold advertising time/available advertising time]
- Any comments on how seasonality is impacting your sell-out rate (e.g. winter more often sold out than summer, or Q1 less full than Q3…)?
- Did “unsold inventory” become a more frequent problem during the COVID period? Any comment or explanation is welcome.
- What do you do with your unsold inventory? Is it for example used for self-promos or sold heavily discounted in last minute? Please explain as much as possible.
- Do you have a system/tool/strategy to prevent and/or deal with the occurrence of un-booked inventory?
Access conditions
Surveys are only available to egta members who participated. If you are interested in a survey, but did not participate, just let us know and we will send you the empty questionnaire.